Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District
Protecting and improving water resources through collaboration with local units of government, citizens and other government agencies.
Our Watershed by the Numbers
The Carnelian-Marine - St. Croix Watershed District encompasses
81 square miles of land, 31 lakes,
21 streams, 3 designated trout
streams, hundreds of acres of
wetlands, and more than 17 miles
of St. Croix River shoreline.
Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District Updates
Upcoming Events
Our Programs
Cost Share Grants
We provide technical assistance and funding to residents, businesses, non-profits, schools, churches and government organizations for projects that benefit water quality and natural resources. Best management practices such as habitat and shoreland restoration, rain gardens, tree trenches and pervious pavement may be eligible for 50% funding, depending on project type and location. Learn about grants here.
Capital Improvement Projects
To manage flood risk and improve water quality, the District has installed multiple capital improvement projects. These include outlet control structures, storm water treatment systems, and other infrastructure improvements. Visit our projects page to learn about specific projects located around the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District.
In order to manage impacts of development in the watershed, we issue construction permits for private homeowner and development projects. These permits specify standards for stormwater management, flood control, wetland management, and erosion and sediment control. To find out if a permit is required for your project, please refer to our Permit page.
Water Quality Monitoring
The District collects regular data on all 31 District lakes to track changes in water clarity, Total Phosphorus, nitrogen, temperature, and dissolved oxygen. We also contribute to the Metropolitan Council’s Stream Monitoring and Assessment program by providing data for Carnelian and Silver Creeks. Visit it our lake data and stream data pages to learn more about each lakes or streams water quality.
The District's Maintenance Program ensures that water channels and stormwater outlet pipes remain open for the Carnelian Creek Flowage and Silver Creek Flowage. The District also inspects and maintains dozens of past projects installed to improve water quality and reduce flooding. Visit our Maintenance Program page to learn more about the District's program.
Natural Resources
By integrating natural resources conservation into our flood control and water quality efforts, we help to sustain healthy ecosystems within the watershed. The District has built strong ties with cities, townships, counties, civic groups, and governmental agencies that partner with us on natural resources projects. We also collaborate with university researchers on studies related to ecological restoration, biological monitoring, and water quality monitoring.
Watershed Outreach + Education
Community empowerment enables us to achieve water quality goals. That’s why we work closely with residents, municipalities, associations, and businesses to provide watershed education and to inspire action. We work in partnership with the East Metro Water Resource Education Program (EMWREP), a partnership of 25 local units of government, hosted by the WCD to create materials and host events.

“A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise. Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land.”
— Aldo Leopold