Marine Town Center Water Quality Improvements
2019 - 2022 Installation
Marine on St. Croix Town Center Water Quality Improvements
Location: Marine on St. Croix
Construction Date: 2020 to 2022
Description: Retrofit of multiple stormwater quality improvement practices in downtown Marine on St. Croix and restoration of a wetland and native vegetation. In total the practices divert and treat 16 acres of stormwater runoff that was discharging into Mill Stream and the St. Croix River with no treatment.
Benefits: Reduces 16.7 pounds of phosphorus per year from flowing into Mill Stream and the St. Croix River. Also reduces thermal loading in the summer Mill Stream (a MnDNR designated trout stream) and re-established 1.5 acres of native plant communities within the riverway and stream corridor
Media: Major Projects in Marine on St. Croix Meant to Keep Runoff out of the River