Single Family Residential Permits
The goal of the District’s Single Family Residential Permits are to help residents protect water and surrounding resources so that all residents and visitors can enjoy the local lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands. It is through compliance with District Rules and our permitting of Single Family Residential Permits that we are able to enhance and protect critical water resources from the cumulative impacts caused from many small projects across the landscape.
Guidance Documents
If through your Pre-Permit Application submittal it is determined that you will need a District Permit, we have compiled a list and documents that will help you understand the permitting process and deadlines.
Submittal Deadlines (appropriate year)
Pre-Permit and Permit Application Process Guidance
Permit Closeout Process Guidance
Have questions about the applicable rules to your project?
Please submit a pre-permit application request with to notify us of your upcoming project. Your basic project information will allow us to develop an applicable Rules summary that we will send to the email(s) you provide us.
Additional questions? CMSCWD Staff are here to assist you through the permitting process to ensure your project will meet our District Rules. Please contact the Riparian Permit Specialist (Tom Langer) or District Administrator (Mike Isensee).
Required Application Submittals
All projects requiring a permit will need to submit:
Complete and Signed Single Lot Residential Application
Full payment (fee and surety) via check to the District office, and
Site plans and specifications that address CMSCWD Rules and Engineer’s Report.
Rule Specific Submittal Requirements
Projects triggering Rule 2 require stormwater management and submittal of:
A Small Residential Project Stormwater Worksheet*
A Raingarden Cross Section** with Vegetation Plans
* or alternative practice from Worksheet
** individual templates can be provided upon request
A Stormwater Declaration of Maintenance Agreement
Projects triggering Rule 3 require sediment and erosion control and submittal of:
An Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
Projects triggering Rule 4 require buffer management and submittal of:
Certificate of Survey and installed survey monuments.
A Buffer Declaration of Maintenance Agreement
Projects triggering Rules 5-8 that are disturbing shorelines, streambanks, floodplain, drainageways, and/or buffers require submittal of:
Listing and site sketch of Native Planting Plan.
Detailed Site Plans help illustrate your project and ensure your project will meet requirements.
Incorporating raingardens and using bio-logs can help achieve District Rule 2 & 3 requirements.
Establishing and maintaining shoreline buffers can help achieve Rule 4 & 5 Rule requirements.
Permit Rules & Categories
District Staff will help you interpret how your project aligns with the Rules and Requirements. Permit requirements are detailed in the District Rules and include the following categories:
Rule 2: Stormwater Management
Rule 3: Erosion and Sediment Control
Rule 4: Lake, River, Stream, and Wetland Buffer Requirements
Rule 5: Shoreline and Streambank Alterations
Rule 6: Watercourse and Basin Crossings
Rule 7: Floodplain and Drainage Alterations
Rule 8: Wetland Management
Rule 9: Variances
Rule 10: Enforcement
All qualifying projects requiring a permit must submit a complete application to the District twenty-eight days prior to the next scheduled board meeting. Information on what to submit is outlined in the Important Documents below.