Permits Overview & Submitting a Pre-Permit Application
The District adopted its Rules and Regulations as required by Minnesota Statue to conserve the natural resources of the State and Watershed. The Rules reflect the Board of Managers intent to minimize and mitigate for the cumulative impacts of both small to large land disturbing activities that could result in the degradation of the Watershed’s lakes, streams, wetlands, and natural resources.
The intent of our Permitting Program is to help educate district residents and enforce the District’s Rules with a clear, consistent, and transparent approach. All permits are reviewed and approved by the Board of Managers at monthly meetings. Staff aide the program by focusing on guiding applicants through the Rules, Application and Permitting Processes, and coordinate permit approval with local, county, state, and federal permitting and enforcement entities.
Pre-Permit Application
Staff can assist you with making a permit determination for your project. You can expect to receive an applicable rules summary and any next steps that are needed if a permit is required. If a permit is not required, we will provide you with a Notice of Compliance communication. Please ‘Inquire Now’ and fill out the requested information to get your project in que for review. District staff will reach out directly to the landowner and applicant (via email or phone) within 3-10 days.
Pre-permit Application Checklist:
Project Location
Contact Information
Concept Plan & Description
Submit Initial Information Here:
You are welcome to submit additional site grading plans, application forms, stormwater worksheets, and any additional materials relevant within the application form.
If you need immediate assistance or have questions in filling out the Pre-Permit Application please contact: Riparian Permit Specialist at tom.langer@cmscwd.org.
If you know you need a permit please find the Permit Process Guidance and Submittal Deadlines located here:
Permit Applications
After filling your Pre- Permit Application staff will continue to provide assistance if your project is determined to need a District Permit. Scheduling a pre-application meeting with District Staff is highly encouraged prior to development and submittal of plans. Please see the complete CMSCWD Permit Process Guidance for more information. A complete permit is due 28 days prior to the monthly board meeting. Please see the complete Permit Submittal Deadline Guide for more information.
Single Family Residential Permits
Developer Permits
Carnelian Marine St. Croix Watershed District's Regulatory Program Goals
To ensure reasonable and consistent standards that will protect the region's water resources for generations to come, the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District (CMSCWD) is charged by state law to issue and monitor permits.
The CMSCWD regulatory program goals are to protect and improve the quality of water resources within the District, prevent future property losses due to flooding, and efficiently coordinate District permitting with local, county, state, and federal permitting and enforcement efforts.
Ultimately, the goal is to balance property owners' use of their property with ensuring the protection and management of water and surrounding resources so that residents and visitors can enjoy local lakes, rivers, and streams.
Explore your projects proximity to water resources.
Why are Permits Required?
The Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District Requires Permits for Properties within its Boundaries to:
Protect the water resources of the CMSCWD for all current and future users
Reduce the severity and frequency of flooding
Preserve floodplain and wetland storage capacity
Improve the chemical and physical quality of surface water
Reduce sediment build-up to preserve the flow of lakes and streams
Minimize public expenditures to correct damage in the future
Preserve natural shoreline and habitat for aquatic life