Technical Assistance Programs
Examples of projects include rain gardens, shoreline restorations, buffer plantings, and permeable pavers.
Cost Share Grants
All residents, associations, and local governments within the boundaries of the Carnelian Marine St. Croix Watershed District are eligible.
With technical assistance from the Washington Conservation District, grants help homeowners, associations, and other organizations install projects that prevent stormwater pollution to our lakes, streams and the St. Croix River. Examples of projects include rain gardens, shoreline restorations, buffer plantings, and permeable pavers.
To be eligible for funding, all grant projects must meet one or more of the following goals.
Improve water quality or increase the capacity of the watershed to store or infiltrate water
Protect and preserve groundwater quality and quantity
Preserve, protect, and restore native vegetation, with emphasis on projects adjacent to or near lakes, rivers, and wetlands
Documents to Get You Started
District's Cost Share Ranking Criteria
Cost Share Program Policy Manual
Grant Application for Communities
Grant Application for Individuals
Have questions or want to talk through a project idea? Contact Mike Isensee at mike.isensee@cmscwd.org or 651-433-2150.
For more information about rainwater gardens and shoreland buffers, visit www.Bluethumb.org